Selection of posters similar to 'Hi my name is David,
I wish to first start by saying your site is awesome!
I feel like you can utilize a bit more text material though.. and I understand it's quite frustrating developing everything yourself.
Do you happen to also have issues making Reports, Guides, Digital Info for you product & services and even E-BOOKS?
Simple things like even providing an E-book can help you gain countless new leads per month!
New innovative technology has JUST been launched that enables you to INSTANTLY create expert Ebooks, Reports, Guides, Lead Magnets, Whitepapers, and digital info-products AUTOMATICALLY, and "ON-DEMAND" ... at a push of a button!
Many folks are using this including The New York Times website!'
Hello, my name is Jim and I was just looking your website
over and thought I would message you on your contact form and offer
some help. I really like your site but I noticed you weren’t getting a
lot of traffic and your Alexa ranking isn’t as strong as it could be.
Fortunately, I may have an answer for you. I can get you 1,000’s of
visitors looking at ready to buy your product, service or
sign up for an offer and fast. Our advertising network of over 9000
websites provides a low cost and effective online marketing solutions
that actually works. I can help your business get more online quality
traffic by advertising your business on websites that are targeted to
your specific market. The Internet is vast but you don’t have to spend
huge amounts of cash to jump start your business. I can get you 5,000
highly targeted visitors directly to your website for as little as
$29.00 for a 30 day trial run.
It has taken us 12 years to perfect our system and in addition to
being exciting, it works!! We also have a special offer of 200,000
Targeted visitors spread over 60 days for a special one time charge
of $299.00.
If you would like to talk personally and have specific questions, call
me @ 480-331-6775 from 9am to 5pm MST. Also check out the short video
here and see how everything works.
Best Regards,
Please let us know if you received this in error and wish to be removed from future contact.
remove me:
You, Me Together
I am looking at the below development.
1. Landing page similar to my competitor
2. After clicking the landing page, a dating site similar to my competitor should be developed.
3. An automated bot in the backend where fake girls profile will approach new user signup to encourage them to upgrade their membership. I guess you need to be able to login to the site to see how this bot behaves. It amazes me how these bots are so genuine looking and attempt to upsell to get members to upgrade their membership to paid.
My Competitor site:[clickid]&siteid=109916&campaignid=[campaignid]
Note, the link has to be used because my competitor uses landing page protection. So you can only visit the actual landing page and site when you arrive from that link.
I know such automation will require a large budget, so I am prepared to increase my budget if you are able to handle the complexity of this project.
Estimated budget for development: $10,000 - $50,000
Alex and Josh
Good day
The Lockdown Formula is a breakthrough system that allows you to learn how to quickly make money online
using affiliate marketing and using a simple-to-set-up system with basic squeeze pages that take people to an offer.
Especially, it also offers you full traffic generation training.
S c r u b
Your Name Street Layin chairman
Material Place
We are looking for a small handful of sites to join in with our 'guaranteed increase in website rankings' service.
We are a UK based SEO agency, that does not outsource. All of our work can be seen
We've never failed to get to the top #3 positions of Google and certainly not all were easy keywords! Finance, pharmaceuticals, travel, engineering, web development and SEO. All of these highly competitive industries we have helped clients dominate in.
Prices are £250, £500 or £1,000, 30 day rolling contract but most clients have been with us for 5 years, shows just how much ROI they get from our service!
If you have a higher budget, we can accomodate. Our client paid us £5,000pm and saw a £1.7m increase in revenue over a 9 month period.
If you'd like to gain results like this, use our contact form at as we respond quickly to that.
ps. this is the only time we'll offer, we won't contact again if we don't hear from you.