Selection of posters similar to 'Nthng I can say'
Hello, my name is Jim and I was just looking your website
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Best Regards,
I wanted to order furniture from your webshop.
but I can not find the item anymore on your site,
it looks like this on this site
I hope you will sell the product again soon,
mail me if you are going to sell it again, I'll wait
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Kind Regards, Axyy
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I just want to say what a fascinating webshop you have!.
I am a regular customer of your store.
I had visited your website last month, and I saw a very nice item i wanne order.
But I have a question! today I wanted to order it, but can not find the item anymore in your webshop.
The item looks like this picture
i wanne buy from you.
I'll wait.
"Sent from my iPhone"
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I have a question, i see a lot of products in this webshop that you also sell in your store.
But there items are 50% cheaper, well my question is what is the difference between your shop and theirs,
is it the quality or something else, I hope you can answer my question.
"Sent from my iPhone"
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Best Regards
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